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Bohemians beat Ružomberok 1:0

Budínský scored in 31st minute.

Bohemians beat Ružomberok 1:0

Both teams started well, but Bohemians were the first ones to start dominating on the pitch. It was 7th minute when Budínský had a shot after he got a nice cross ball from Bartek right into the penalty box but didn’t manage to make it into a goal. One minute later Vyhnal missed the goal just by centimeters. The next chance came from corner but Borek didn’t reach the ball with a header.

The pressing paid out. The opponent didn’t play precise passes and they were losing ball a lot. After 30 minutes of the game Moravec got from the right side to the box and offered a ball to Budínský who scored and opened the score.

Just few seconds before the half time Budínský got another pass from Hartig and tried to pass it to Borek who was already prepared in a penalty box but the defenders didn’t let him to score.

“We played really well in first half and we also had a lot of chances, it is just a shame we haven’t used them to affect the score a bit more.” said Moravec who showed again some skill on the right side of defense.

The second half was more about the fights than football itself. Both teams created some chances but none of them changed the score. Nešpor, Kraják and Orolín were those who subbed during the second half.

Ptáček and Cseh did a good work in defense and didn’t let any of the opponent attackers to create any bigger chance. Masaryk from Ružomberok even scored once, but he was offside. Rest of the match was again in Bohemians hands. Vyhnal offered twice a chance for Kraják but he didn’t make it through the defenders.

The final result was 1:0 for Bohemians. Right after the match footballers went to warm changing rooms. Next match is scheduled on Friday when Bohemians meet Nitra in Poštorná.